In these unprecedented times, the world is looking for connection now more than ever before. The stories of this time will be the stories history tells - and our team is looking to capture them. We have reached out across campus to find stories about how our world is connected and intertwined, and the personal experience of that togetherness. Our team has compiled the stories from the dedicated German and English speakers from our campus in our second volume of Das Blatt. Our motto, "Im Stil unsere Zeit" was a driving factor for this volume, and the pieces exemplify the passion and gusto of the authors, who have taken it upon themselves to share the stories of themselves or others from the past or present. The goal of this publication is the same as the one we began with - to strive toward a healthier understanding of the world for all who come across our publication. Again, we would like to thank the German Department for their help and support through this process, and our team for their dedication to this publication. We hope that you enjoy the pieces that are published, and would like to invite you to join our meetings! We hope to provide a safe environment to engage with language, and use it as a means of exploration, connection and self expression.
With that, make sure to remember...
“Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Mit herzlichen Dank und schönen Grüßen,
-Ihr Das Blatt Team