Maggie Fischer
Maggie Fischer is a senior at the University of Iowa studying History and German. She is passionate about foreign language and about seeing that past as a tool to shape the future.
"Wieder Gefunden" chronicles the pitfalls and victories of learning and maturing in a second language. It was inspired by her year-long academic exchange at Albert - Ludwigs Universität, in Freiburg Germany. She is excited to share her experiences with you and wishes you Viel Glück in your language studies.
Her essay "Die Entwicklung der Gewalt des Terrorismus", originally written as a capstone project for a course at Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, explores the relationship between the leftist German Terrorist Group Die Rote Armee Fraktion and the German student movement the 68ers. She would like to thank Clemens Huemerlehner (Forschungsgruppe Zeitgeschichte Uni Freiburg) for his assistance with this piece.